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Project development and management

Development of successful projects by municipalities, institutions, NGOs and the private sector is one of the most effective tools for attracting funding under various programs of the EU and other donors.

PDM Services Ltd. offers consultations and services related to the definition of problems and effective ways for their resolution; formulating objectives and measures/activities for their achievement; identification of potential funding sources for their implementation; preparation of concept papers and development of full project documentation.

In addition, we offer expert project management support throughout the whole project cycle in order to ensure achievement of defined goals and objectives, reporting and accounting of the costs incurred.

Project in focus

Интерактивна туристическа карта Високи Западни Родопи - Батак, Девин, Доспат

The interactive map was developed by PDM Services Ltd. under a project implemented by Novo Badeshte za Dospat Association with the financial support of Operational Programme for the Bulgarian Fisheries.

The website contains information for the most popular tourist routes and sites on the territory of FLAG High Western Rhodopes: Batak-Devin-Dospat together with GPS data for all objects available for download.


PDM Services Ltd. is certified by the Executive Forestry Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for the production and marketing of forest reproductive materials of national and international level.

Our team experts hold licenses in various fields including forestry, FSC forest certification, work with specialized GIS software, environmental impact assessment, tourism, etc.

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